sâmbătă, 3 martie 2012

The Art of using Chinese Chopsticks

Author: Allan Smith
Anyone outside the orient – China, Japan or Korea doesn't really know how to use Chinese chopsticks or whether learning to use it is relevant for them? Well, the art of using Chinese chopsticks is quite unique but it's relevance can be better left to be decided by individual preferences rather than a collective opinion. Learning to use Chinese chopsticks is among the most interesting cultural undertakings one can go for.

If you want to closely understand the food culture of the orient then learning to eat with Chinese chopsticks can go a long way in acquainting you with it's inimitable food culture. Interestingly, wearing hair chopsticks in the head doesn't require as much skill as it does to eat with stainless steel Chinese chopsticks or wooden chopsticks. And when you are almost ready to embrace the art of using Chinese chopsticks, you'll discover that there are chopsticks etiquettes as well. That's a whole another different lesson which makes sense when the first one of using Chinese chopsticks is learned.
Using stainless steel Chinese chopsticks requires more vigilance than others as they sometimes tend to slip out of the fingers. However, this doesn't mean that one can easily master the art of eating with wood Chinese chopsticks.
In order to learn to eat with Chinese chopsticks, it's important to seek answers to very significant questions:
Firstly, why did the orient develop such a tool for eating food and secondly what is the logic behind eating with slender cylindrical sticks?
It's interesting to note that the answer to both the questions can be found in a simple common sense knowledge of the orient. Anyone aware of the culture prevalent in the orient knows their emphasis on the right living and evolving righteous habits. It's not for nothing that Buddhism became such a powerful force in the region. This same ancient wisdom is what is being carried on through their tradition of eating with Chinese chopsticks.
For them eating food was not a destructive but a constructive act which needed to be enjoyed and relished by taking in smaller morsels or bites, so they invented Chinese chopsticks which not only compelled them to take smaller pieces of food but also let them relish it for a longer time in their mouths.
Once one has understood this simple logic behind the evolution of Chinese chopsticks, eating with them will become natural and convenient. All one has to do is pay attention to the structure of the Chinese chopsticks and hold them at the top so they are free at the lower end to clip on the food. Make sure you're steady with them and don't hold them too tightly.
Once you get the hang of eating with Chinese chopsticks, your love for them wouldn't be confined to only hair chopsticks. Also when you see Chinese chopsticks holders coming beside your food, you'll be happily looking forward to having it the oriental way!
Visit http://www.chinesechopsticks.com
Article Source: http://www.articlesbase.com/restaurant-reviews-articles/the-art-of-using-chinese-chopsticks-5695056.html
About the Author
Looking for the best Chinese Chopsticks around, visit – ChineseChopsticks.com. Get a variety of Chinese Chopsticks, hair chopsticks and Chinese chopsticks to choose from. The Chinese chopsticks offered are made of a variety of materials such as wood, ivory and others.

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