marți, 13 martie 2012

How To Barbecue Chicken the Right Way!

Author: Bud Brown
How to barbeque chicken - In this article I'm going to show you a quick and easy way to barbeque chicken, specifically chicken breasts. I'll also reveal some real grill master secrets. Throughout this article I will be assuming you are using a gas grill. Let's get cracking!

First, preheat your grill. We are going to grill using indirect heating. You will be turning on the perimeter flames and turning off the center flames. This will also prevent flare ups, which you definitely don't want.
After the grill is preheated you will put your lightly seasoned chicken breasts on the grill with the bone side facing down.
Grill Master #1: Coat the grill grid with olive oil or a non stick spray so the chicken will not adhire to the grill after cooking. This will save you a lot of time whenit comes time to clean the grill.
Grill master Secret #2 The chicken should be room temperature before setting on the grill. This will ensure that the chicken will be thoroughly cooked.After you have set your lightly season chicken breast (which is room termperature) on the grill, close the lid and return in 35 minutes. Open the grill lid and THEN apply your barbeque sauce.
Grill Master Secret #3: Do NOT apply the sauce to the chicken before you grill it. The sauce contains lots of sugar and you will burn the sugary sauce before the meat is cooked, resuting in an uncooked, burt-skinned chicken breast. Yuck! This will also help when it comes to cleaning the grill afterwards.
After you apply the sauce, then close the lid and let it cook for another ten minutes.
Now you will have a thoroghly cooked chicken breast with a golden brown glaze.
There is no need to keep turning over the chicken. This just causes the chicken to dry out.
If you have followed these simple steps you will have a tasty treat for you and your guests.
Now you know how to barbeque chicken and I'm sure you will have many successful barbeques in the future. Be sure to visit our website for more information on how to barbecue chicken, steaks and even your whole meal!
Good luck!
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About the Author
If you would like to learn more about how to barbeque, please visit

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