joi, 26 ianuarie 2012

Organic Gourmet Coffee for a New Year Resolution-Here's to 2012!

Author: A.N.M
Organic gourmet coffee beans going green! What does that mean? "Going Green" is a phrase that many use when referring to organic products or rather earth friendly methods. It is a great way to start off the New Year. But knowing that something is earth friendly or green it means that you are treating your body well and good. More and more products are full of chemicals and just hurtful things to the human body.

Organic gourmet coffee is a great cup of coffee that is environmentally friendly and considered to be the purest coffee and the most delicious. The organic coffee is certified organic along including the process in which it is handled. Those that handle the coffee go the extra mile to make sure the coffee is the tastiest available, always. The entire organic certification process is expensive while being long and drawn out. The high standards with which those coffee handlers have to be held accountable for are by the National Organic Program.
Free of harmful chemicals and pesticides which can distract from the marvelous flavor. Preventing health problems ahead of time is the best way to take care of your health. Quality of life while enjoying a quality coffee cannot get much better than that!
One other aspect of organic gourmet coffee that should be taken into account is that many times there is Fair Trade. Meaning that those that pick and harvest the coffee are treated properly and paid fairly. Coffee growing much less coffee bean picking is very labor intensive and hard. So it is important to support with your dollar, good solid companies that are good morally.
Bolivia, SA Wilson, Colombia, Dominican Republic, Fair Trade Organic El Salvador Cuzcachapa, Ethiopia Sidamo coffee and Fair Trade Coffee French Roast beans these are just a few out of lots of companies that do organic coffee.
Organic coffee does not mean dropping a ton of money or for those the yuppies. This coffee is not unreasonable in price typically four to six dollars more than a non-organic coffee bag of beans. Fresh taste and strong flavor that is what is about!
More and more research is finding that organic is a lot healthier for humans, going back to basics and being true to the true ingredients instead of the chemicals. There is also thought to the fact that many diseases including cancer is increasing due to pesticides and such in our foods.
Basically being respectful to your body, your fellow human, and your planet earth. Get lots more helpful information . Wishing you a wonderful New Year with a great cup of organic gourmet coffee!
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About the Author
Coffee Lover!

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