joi, 12 ianuarie 2012

Why Every Coffee Drinker Should Have a Single Cup Coffee Maker

Author: Dan R Collins
If you are a coffee drinker and are still using one of those bulky coffee pots, you may want to reconsider. Having gotten a single cup coffee maker, I can certainly say that my idea of a good cup of coffee has changed. I am not a heavy coffee drinker by any means which is why I like how these types of machines work. I can brew a cup or two here and there without having to waste a whole pot or trying to guess at the right amount of coffee to use.

One of the best things I have noticed about this type of machine is the ease of use. I don't think it gets any easier than simply putting a pre-made pod, K-Cup or other filter into the machine and pushing a button. I no longer have to measure out my coffee which always gave me a different tasting brew nearly every time since I never really could get the amount right. Now, every time I make a cup, it is perfect and delicious.

Another great benefit is the variety of flavors and options that are available. Not only is it great at brewing tasty coffee but it is also great for other beverages such as hot cocoa and tea. I often drink these other varieties so it's great to have that option when needed.

Lastly, what I love is the convenience. Most coffee drinkers are on the run in the mornings and to be able to grab a quick cup of coffee is absolutely essential. There is no need to stop by the coffee shop anymore if you have one of these machines. You simple grab your to go cup and place it under the machine and about a minute later, you are ready to go.

I believe anyone who drinks coffee would love this kind of machine. Of course, if you drink coffee all day long, you may be better off with one of the traditional machines. However, if you want to change it up a bit, grab yourself one of these and you won't be disappointed.
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About the Author
Learn more about how a single cup coffee maker may be the ideal coffee maker for you by reading our single cup coffee maker articles, reviews and information.

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