marți, 24 ianuarie 2012

What Benefits Can You Receive By Juicing Different Fruits

Author: Sarah paul
There are various health benefits of fruit juices according to nutritionists. It is often said that a day without orange juice is similar to a day without sunshine. There are a range of recipes for different fruit juices. Each recipe offers a unique combination of nutrients that are extremely beneficial for our health. These juices contain huge quantities of vitamins, minerals, anti-oxidants and other essential nutrients that are required by our body.
There are no restrictions on mixing different fruits in the juice extractor. You can prepare the juice with whichever fruit combination you wish to have, for example, orange and mango pulp is equally enjoyed by people of all ages.

You can also juice different citrus fruits that give you a great fizzy and tangy taste. You definitely do not need to purchase these juices from a supermarket because these are easily prepared at home with more nutrients and less expense. The juices sold in cartons and jars are not as nutritious as the ones prepared at home because they are processed and contain preservatives and sugar in them.
There are numerous health issues in the United States and many developed countries which are not found in under developed countries because their staple is fruits and vegetables. There are numerous benefits of fruit juices as they contain all kinds of vitamins, different minerals and anti-oxidants. For example, you will find huge quantities of potassium, iron, and manganese salts in the juices.
Fruit juices are also great to keep away stress and insomnia. There are various vegetables that taste bitter and so do their juices. Such vegetables can be juiced along with other vegetables such as carrots, tomatoes etc. You can also add different fruits that would improve the taste of the vegetable juice. Apples, oranges, pomegranates and many other citrus fruits are great to reduce the bitterness of beetroots, cucumbers, bitter gourd, Broccoli etc.
There is a great difference in the total amount of nutrients in cooked foods and fresh fruits. This happens because when we cook food at high temperature, it loses most of the nutrients immediately, whereas fresh fruits retain their nutrients within them.
Another problem for many people lays in the fact that it is usually impossible to consume as many nutrients by eating fruits as compared to juicing them. The best benefit of fruits is that you can consume as many nutrients as you want because you cannot eat so many fruits at once, whereas when you juice those fruits, you can get the same amount of nutrients in a glass very conveniently.
The best way to consume these juices is to prepare them fresh and drink them immediately. One must never store these juices in the refrigerator for long as they oxidize quickly which is unhealthy. However, there are certain fruits that you can store in the refrigerator but that too only for a minimum period of time and in an air-tight jar to avoid oxidation.
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About the Author
If you are looking for the most efficient juicer, visit my website. You will find one of the most functional juicers here. You can find us at: juice extractor.

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