miercuri, 15 februarie 2012

The benefits of drinking Green Tea whilst trying to lose weight

Author: Dave Coggon

Everyone knows that losing weight is often a balancing act between calories consumed and calories expended. You know the Peter Kay saying ` Take the C off Chips and what have you got ! ' . It's not easy though, sticking to a regular, healthy diet and i wouldn't advocate for one minute that you shouldn't treat yourself occasionally. One thing you can do though, is to drink Green Tea. Sure, it is an acquired taste and not for everybody, but it does have a number of health benefits which you may or may not be aware of.

One benefit is that it can help to speed up your metabolism which is always a useful consideration when trying to lose weight. Not only that, but Green Tea helps to speed up your metabolism without relying on a high caffeine content; which can in large quantities can lead to tremors, heart palpitations and raised blood pressure. In this sense, Green Tea has the edge over coffee or tea.

It has also been noted that Green Tea can help regulate insulin levels more effectively within your body. This being of upmost importance in maintaining safe blood sugar levels and losing weight safely and effectively; not to mention the benefits in preventing the onset of diabetes.

Another benefit of drinking Green Tea is it's high content of antioxidants, namely Catechins. Green tea contains Catechins in it's natural state which helps to suppress the absorption of fats from food. As well as helping to decrease your body fat it also helps to reduce your bad cholesterol levels within your body. Antioxidants also play a vital role in maintaining a healthy heart.

Finally, there is an amino acid called Theanine which you can find within this beverage. This useful amino acid helps to regulate mood making you feel more relaxed and also increases the chemical dopamine within the brain, which helps give you a boost, giving you the same feel good factor that you experience from exercise. This being similar to a ` runner's high ' that runners get after running.

The benefits therefore, of incorporating Green Tea into your weight loss programme/schedule are immense and worthy of consideration. Also, even if you are not about to embark upon a weight loss programme it is still worth considering incorporating Green Tea into your daily dietary schedule considering the vast amount of health benefits you can obtain from drinking a few cups everyday. I'll drink to that !
Article Source: http://www.articlesbase.com/drinks-articles/the-benefits-of-drinking-green-tea-whilst-trying-to-lose-weight-5660309.html
About the Author
For further information about weight loss diets and products go to http://www.chocodiet.com

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